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  • 1 Lineage 2 Song of War Server Votes: 688
    EXP Rate: 300 SP Rate: 300 Drop Rate: 5 Adena Rate: 30
    Safe Enchant: 4 Max Enchant: 30 Server Type: PvP Platform: L2Java
    Lineage 2 Chronicle: ETA - Essence - Shield of Kingdom By HwaRyun,

    2 L2Temida Server Votes: 550
    EXP Rate: 8 SP Rate: 8 Drop Rate: 8 Adena Rate: 6
    Safe Enchant: 3 Max Enchant: 16 Server Type: Normal Platform: L2Java
    Lineage 2 Chronicle: Chaotic Throne - Interlude Update 3 By L2Temida,

    3 L2 Asagonium Server Votes: 0
    EXP Rate: 9999 SP Rate: 1 Drop Rate: 1 Adena Rate: 1
    Safe Enchant: 500 Max Enchant: 500 Server Type: PvP Platform: L2Java
    Lineage 2 Chronicle: Chaotic Throne - 2.6 High Five By Asag,

    4 L2AquaSage Server Votes: 0
    EXP Rate: 1000 SP Rate: 1000 Drop Rate: 1 Adena Rate: 1
    Safe Enchant: 4 Max Enchant: 30 Server Type: PvP Platform: L2Java
    Lineage 2 Chronicle: Epic Tale of Aden 10.3 - Essence 6.2 - Battle Chronicles Assassin By L2AquaSage,

    5 L2Elros Server Votes: 0
    EXP Rate: 25 SP Rate: 25 Drop Rate: 4 Adena Rate: 9
    Safe Enchant: 4 Max Enchant: 16 Server Type: Normal Platform: L2Java
    Features Configuration
    Lineage 2 Chronicle: C4 - Scions of Destiny By L2Elros,

    6 Test Server Server Votes: 67
    EXP Rate: 1000 SP Rate: 1000 Drop Rate: 400 Adena Rate: 700
    Safe Enchant: 4 Max Enchant: 16 Server Type: PvP Platform: L2OFF
    Lineage 2 Chronicle: C0 - Prelude By Admin,

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