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Posts posted by Admin

  1. As demand for our website increases, the server has begun to struggle to keep up, resulting in slower loading times. To maintain uninterrupted service and meet the growing demand, necessary upgrades have been implemented to enhance server capacity, ensuring smooth operation and optimal user experience.

    - The server's capacity has been significantly boosted by doubling its RAM and traffic capabilities again.

  2. As demand for our website increases, the server has begun to struggle to keep up, resulting in slower loading times. To maintain uninterrupted service and meet the growing demand, necessary upgrades have been implemented to enhance server capacity, ensuring smooth operation and optimal user experience.

    - The server's capacity has been significantly boosted by doubling its RAM and traffic capabilities.


  3. (BETA) Fix for API Rewards and better handle for IPv6 by using 3 new fallback functions to detect user's IPv4 behind proxy, cloudflare and more.

    - This should fix the lost rewards for old games like lineage2 that dont recognize IPv6.

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  4. changelog 10-3-2024


    Composer update
    Fixed payeer Payments Commended out payeer form Extra hashing method Fix payeer hash encryption Add composer json and openssl requirements Fix on item delivery manager for sunrise project
    Fixed name space imports

    v4 version
    Upgrading security advisories (dev-latest fe680bc => dev-latest cbce831)
    Upgrading stripe (dev-master d48d70a => dev-master 1f60eb1)


      - Added custom header.html and footer.html (Recommended designer Strain)
      - Added support for PHP 5.6 and PHP 8.3


    changelog 11-3-2024 (Donate Panel Version 5 is out)


    Key changes
    - Removed FREE version
    - New payment method (MercadoPago) added
    - All configs are now in Online Panel at

    This is the hidden content, please

    - Donate Panel now works with subscription on
    This is the hidden content, please

    - Ownership of the donate panel is now transferred from DenArt Designs to HopZone.Eu

    Front-end changes
    - New error page for nicer user error prints

    This is the hidden content, please
    reCaptcha updated from v2 to invisible v3
    This is the hidden content, please
    reCaptcha is now mandatory
    - Updated new images for payment menu with alpha channel and web friendly
    - Added new background images by default
    - Languages
    - Added new text with table lists and dynamic icons used in translations
    - Dynamic icons <img src="/item/57"/> can be used in language texts
    - Added header.html and footer.html to add custom code and design the panel better (Strain is best fit for the job)
    - Updated bootstrap version to 5.1.3
    - Added GoogleTag and analytics code for /done - charname after and while in donation

    Back-end changes
    Stripe IPN total rework
    - Now works with 2 request instead of 5
    - Input listener now validates better incoming data
    - Connection upgrade HTTP request version
    - Checks status code
    - Better handle on Json Data
    - Dynamic configuration from online panel are now generate code
    - Backwards compatibility with PHP 5.6 by serializing constant array tables
    - Corrections according to SDK are applied since now stripe allows multiple requests in one run
    - Redirection to success page after code execution

    This is the hidden content, please
    IPN rework
    - Input listener now validates better incoming data
    - Connection upgrade HTTP request version
    - Checks status code
    - Better handle on Json Data
    - Dynamic configuration from online panel are now generate code
    - Backwards compatibility with PHP 5.6 by serializing constant array tables
    - Redirection to success page after code execution
    - Removed sandbox

    Payeer IPN rework
    - Input listener now validates better incoming data
    - Connection upgrade HTTP request version
    - Checks status code
    - Better handle on Json Data
    - Dynamic configuration from online panel are now generate code
    - Backwards compatibility with PHP 5.6 by serializing constant array tables
    - Redirection to success page after code execution

    MercadoPago IPN Added
    - Written from scratch to avoid having SDK that requires PHP 8.2
    - Beta stage but expected to work

    Removed Statistics
    Cleanup on images removed unused images
    Removed Global ban list (local ban list for hackers still work)
    Added java server connection for PHP 5.6 (was missing)
    Removed SQL Options from MsSQL Connections
    Updated Agreement
    All Configs from config.php removed except activation key, background image and debug



    changelog 12-3-2024


    Added MercadoPago icons in index
    Added custom messages when configs are not set
    Fixed an old issue with multiserver (Rewards always gone at first server)
      - Introduced $server_id and Database new object creation in IPN handlers
    Fixed debug log folder generation issue
    Fixed server software for apache and litespeed detection in requirements
    Fixed PHP version (downgrade from 7.4 to 5.6) in requirements
    Fixed SSL check in requirements
    Fixed icons in custom price list
    Fixed for reward with typecasting
    Updated MercadoPago.php Adding too many protections because Brazil.
    Updated to latest security advisories
    Small cleanup
    License officially transferred (HopZone Eu is the new owner of the donation panels)
    Licenses changed

    changelog 13-3-2024


    Fix for missing dynamic configurations
      - Unimportant configurations are now ignored instead of throwing error
      - Important configurations are now pointing to a url for the user to setup
    Fix for better reading in language
      - SERVER_NAME will present the server's name and will not throw error if its not set
      - SERVER_EMAIL will present the server's email and will not throw error if its not set
      - DONATE_ID will present the server's item id (this is mandatory on payment so its always set)
      - DONATE_NAME will present the server's item name (this is mandatory on payment so its always set)
    Fix on json request using array instead of object
    Fix for error messages 2 messages for configs and for prices under payment methods
    Fix for error messages on done, error and index files
    Fix for languages images using dynamic Id's
    Fix for Mercadopago IPN for Global input now checking var if is set
    Fix for Mercadopago IPN snoopers now they will get perm ban
    Fix for Mercadopago IPN using $this outside of a class
    Fix for Payeer IPN using class name in construct injection, exist higher than PHP 5.6
    Fix for Payeer IPN using $this outside of a class
    Fix for

    This is the hidden content, please
    IPN using $this outside of a class
    Fix for Stripe IPN snoopers will now get perm Ban
    Fix for Stripe IPN using $this outside of a class
    Update composer advisories
    General Cleanup from development code and unusable log and comments


  5. UPDATE 18/09/2022

    • Supports L2OFF & L2JAVA servers
    • Advext and Vanganth servers are supported
    • Multiserver selection function (can add unlimited servers l2j and l2off)
    • Cleanup on translations
    • Added more translations
    • Added Error and Success messages
    • Donate Item Icons now show dynamically from the ID you set
    • Ability to ban attackers who snooping in the back links and rest apis
    • Added global banlist function every 30 minutes download updated ban lists
    • Added lucera jar for unix without GUI and windows with GUI
    • Updaed Log system
    • Added Developer, Warning, Info, Payment and Error logs
    • Clean up old code from v2 panel
    • Rewrite login from game function also supports server selection
    • Added icons in base template
    • Added composer
    • Added requirements check
    • Added Agreement
    • Supports MsSQL, MySQL, MariaDB databases and drivers mysqli, pdo (dblib, mysql), sqlsrv.
    • Added more protection layers in
      This is the hidden content, please
    • Stable core
    • Mobile friendly with responsive design works on all devices.


    UPDATE 19/9/2022

    • Fixed Payeer IPN now works with currency
    • Added new config on PAYEER for currency


    UPDATE 23/1/2023

    • Updated Stripe components
    • New config for button “BACK” to main page
    • New Config to show/hide Terms container
    • Added detection for cloudflare blocks for some hosting servers that are treated as bots on cloudflare now you get a warning
    • Updated Database connection for l2off servers now works on almost all hosting servers with pdo_dblib or pdo_sqlsrv
    • Added 2 SQL files for L2OFF database
    • Ready for united item delivery method
      • Removed donate_holder
      • Introducing user_item_delivery instead (all denart panels will work with this in future)
      • This is the hidden content, please
        including sources for lucera supports almost all projects
      • Table will contain data and where they come from (example: Donate, Vote, Referral)
      • Table will contain all info from payment (example:
        This is the hidden content, please
        , Stripe)
      • Table will contain info from vote (example: Vote website) NOTE: Requires Vote Panel
      • Table will contain info from referral (example: Invited friend, Box reward from invitations) NOTE: Requires Referral Panel
      • Table will contain payment method, character info and reward id/count.
    • Introducing donations table with payment data details


    UPDATE 21/9/2023

    • Rewritten PHP Code from PHP 8.0 standards to 5.6 for backward compatibility (Advantage for L2OFF servers)
    • Partnership program percentage reduced from 20% to 5%
      • (rand(0, 19) === 1)means 1 in 20 donates by chance will go to me (previously was 1 in 5 20% huge advantage for free use)
    • Added PHP5.6 support for MsSQL servers using the old “mssql_connect” function
    • Minor format in language system
    • Added support to select PHP version from htaccess for hosting servers that allow it while you dont have access to this functionality


    UPDATE 23/01/2024

    • Upgrading security advisories (dev-latest fe680bc => dev-latest cbce831)
    • Upgrading stripe (dev-master d48d70a => dev-master 1f60eb1)
    • Added custom header.html and footer.html (Recommended designer Strain)
    • Added support for PHP 5.6 and PHP 8.3


    Developers notes:


    – In other words this update includes more compatibility in connecting from hosting to server machine, allows to plug and play in a wider range of hosting companies than before.
    – Still hostings with antivirus need to add an exception in your antivirus notably ImunifyAv

  6. Donate Panel v5

    Payment in easy 5 steps
    1. Login with your character name.
    2. Select the donation service (
      This is the hidden content, please
      Stripe Payeer MercadoPago 🆕).
    3. Select the amount of payment.
    4. Pay. 😎
    5. Automatically recieve the reward ingame (and yes) while he is online! 🤯
    • This is the hidden content, please
    • Stripe accepts credit cards, debit cards, ACH transfers, Apple Pay,
      This is the hidden content, please
      This is the hidden content, please
      , and various local payment methods from around the world.
    • Payeer accepts BTC, LTC, ETH, DASH, BCH, USD, EUR, RUB wallets
    • MercadoPago accepts ARS, BRL, CLP, MXN, COP, PEN, UYU.
    • Full SSL website (can be forced by htaccess)
    • XSS Protection just in case.
    • Remove vulnerability headers in htaccess level
    • Session Validation
    • COOKIE, POST, GET global inputs are sanitized
    • SQL Injection protection
    • Query String protetion
    • Prepared statements of PDO driver (no sql injection there)
    • This is the hidden content, please
      Invisible Captcha v3 (NEW)
    • Last but not least security through obscurity
    • SEO Friendly urls (in htaccess level)
    • This is the hidden content, please
      Analytics and GTAG Code ready.
    • Terms of use ready to go
    • Refund policy ready to go
    • Contact
    • All the TERMS text are showing config dynamic item images/text with server's name and more
    • Zip Content (faster load)
    • Memory save (unloading global vars)
    • Using CDN’s for bootstrap
    • Scripts are loaded in footer
    • Images are soft to max 10kb
    • Small and smart organized code style
    • Multilanguage (4 languages so far) EN ES NL EL (Easy to add more)
    • Payment methods
      This is the hidden content, please
      , Stripe, Payeer and MercadoPago
    • After payment or cancel the user is redirected back to “Thank you” page.
    • Bootstrap 5x CSS
    • PHP 5.6+ (for l2off) and PHP 7.4+ (for java)
    • Extensions for php: MySQL (L2Java), pdo_dblib(L2OFF), pdo_sqlsrv(L2OFF), mssql_connect (L2OFF) and PDO Drivers that support MariaDB, MySQL, MsSQL.
    • Stripe and MercadoPago supports sandbox and live.
    • Detailed and seperated Logs (ERROR, DEVELOPER, INFO, WARNING, PAYMENT) for website and Rest APIs.
    • Detailed Log in database for Payments and services used.
    • This is the hidden content, please
      Analytics (You know when players are in the panel and if they pay)
    • This is the hidden content, please
      Captcha V3
    • Dynamic Icons to show according your Donate Item ID
    • Multiple servers
    • L2OFF or L2JAVA servers can be added together as server network
    • Quote
      The panel takes advantage of SGuard & SmartGuard (Optional)

      Player clicks on a button called “Buy Donate Coins” of an NPC, Command or Window. The shop opens in user’s default browser automatically login in the panel ready to select payment.


      SGuard & Smart Guard API is not mantatory you can still use the donation panel without these API systems.

      • So user repeats Payment steps 2, 3, 4, 5. because he is already logged in now.



    • ALL configs located here https://hopzone.eu/clients/purchases/ 🤯 (mandatory)
      • Note: after you buy it you can edit all the configs from "Manage" button
    • LICENSE setup (copy paste) the license XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX in config.php (mandatory)
      • Note: after you buy it can get see the license under your purchases by clicking "Manage" button
    • BackGround Image change the image easy from the config.php (optional)
    • Language to add change remove or edit located in config.php (optional)
    • Developer enable extra messages for faster problem solving located in config.php (optional)
    • Database edit the database connection with the server located in connection.php (mandatory)


    • Website files
    • Java Files for your project in Eclipse/Intellij (so far asked and supported)
      • aCis (java sources can be adapted in any version)
      • L2JFrozen (java sources)
      • Fandc (java sources)
      • Mythras (java sources)
      • Freya (java sources)
      • Fafurion (java sources)
      • Lucera (Jar & jar sources)
      • Eternity (Jar & jar sources)
      • Sunrise (java sources)
      • ask for more
    • SQL Files
    • License files
    1. Links to video Guides and support
    2. How to add in game server task manager.
    3. Small example of code. (optional)
    4. How to install NPC HTML BUTTON. (optional)
    5. How to implement SmartGuard Packet. (optional)

    • Activation Key (Your purchase will provide you an activation key)
    • IF Java: Server with source in order to install with Exception of Lucera and L2Jeternity (Included Donate.ext.jar)
    • Database connection with PDO pdo_sqlsrv l2off or pdo_mysql l2j
    • IF L2OFF: Enable item delivery
    • PHP 5.6+ (for l2off) 7.4+ (for java)
    • HOST Memory limit 512M+
    • Webhost with a Cpanel or similar panel with access to PHP extensions
    • SSL Sertificate installed on your host
    • Curl, PDO, openssl, pdo_mysql(L2Java), pdo_dblib(L2OFF) or pdo_sqlsrv(L2OFF), ctype, gd, json extensions
    • Apache (not working on nginx)
    • Host must provide antivirus switch on/off due to obfuscation of the files
    • Knowledge of IP Bind for MySQL/MsSQL Database allowed connection
    • Knowledge of Database users (Create/Permissions)
    • PHP basic knowledge on how to modify config.php and connection.php
    • IF Java how to modify your source with a patch
    • WebHost or some LAMPP to your server to place the php files
    • Supports all chronicles it uses char_name of table characters
    • Hosting the files
      STRONGLY Recommended hosts for java servers
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      (Free SSL)
      STRONGLY Recommended hosts for l2off servers
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    • hetzner & OVH have worked for some clients







    Q: Why?


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    code means closed code and most hosting providers have antiviruses that might detect the files as malicious and block/remove files. Check the provided virus scan from virustotal.com


    Q: Why this hosts?

    A: They know and allow the files.


    Q: Why you

    This is the hidden content, please
    the files?

    A: Because there are some people who might try to make profit from.


    Q: Can I change

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    A: Yes css are not

    This is the hidden content, please
    , structure is.


    Q: Can I add custom code

    A: Yes there is also footer.html and header.html and recommended Strain as designer.


    Q: Do you sell source?

    A: No.


    Q: License period?

    A: Recurring activation (You pay it works).




    • Free install 1 time per license contact @nightw0lf
    • Support for active licenses only contact: @Admin
    • To get support you must have an active license purchase here
    • Quote

      You can also do it your self with video tutorials

      Issues or questions that are not answered here or the video send me a message @Admin.






    • 2014-2017 Donate Panel v1
    • 2017-2020 Donate Panel v2 (Leaked)
    • 2020-2021 Donate Panel v3 (Leaked)
    • 2021-2023 Donate Panel v4
    • 2024 Donate Panel v5 🆕


  7. Game Updater + Builder


    Auto Updater Builder is a VB.NET application designed to facilitate the creation of update packages. It generates individual ZIP files for each file in a source directory, maintaining the original directory structure, and creates version.txt, a filelist.txt and an index.php for version tracking, SHA256 hashes of the files, respectively and serving files to the client.

    This is the hidden content, please


    • Easy selection of source and output directories.
    • Build Version number entry for tracking.
    • Automated generation of version.txt, filelist.txt and index.php.
    • ZIP file creation for each file in the source directory, preserving directory structure.
    • SHA256 hash generation for file integrity verification.
    • Manage Package info

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    The only thing you need to do is open Auto Updater Builder
    No specific installation process required. The application runs directly from the executable in the Windows environment.

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    1. Purchase a package that suits you best
    2. Set the serial key in the builder
    3. Manage the Package and set the settings (Game, Website, etc...)
    4. Select Source Folder: Click on the related Select button to choose the source directory containing the files for packaging.
    5. Select Output Folder: Click on the related Select button to define the destination directory for the generated packages.
    6. Version Input: Enter the version number in Version text box. This will be used in version.txt.
    7. Generate Packages: Press Generate to initiate the packaging process.

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    Detailed Functionality

    • Folder Checks: Ensures the selected source and output folders meet the necessary conditions (non-empty source, empty destination).
    • Version Input Restriction: Only numeric inputs allowed for version number.
    • File Processing: Processes files in the source directory recursively, computes SHA256 hashes, and packages them into ZIP files.
    • Progress Tracking: Utilizes a progress bar to display progress.
    • Error Handling: Provides user alerts for issues related to folder selection or file processing.

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    File Handling and Deployment

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    Generated Files

    Auto Updater Builder generates several files during its operation:

    • version.txt: Contains the version number of the package.
    • filelist.txt: Lists all files with their respective SHA256 hashes.
    • data.json: Serves the client updater with the necessary information
    • index.php: A fallback way for some hosts to serve the client updater the version.txt, filelist.txt, and data.json, acts as main page.
    • Individual .zip files for each item in the source directory, preserving the directory structure.

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    Moving Generated Files

    Once the packaging process is complete, the generated files are found in the specified output folder. These files include the version.txt, filelist.txt, index.php, data.json and a zips folder containing ZIP files for each item.

    To deploy these files for an update mechanism, follow these steps:

    1. Web Server Setup: Ensure you have a web server configured to serve files. In the provided code, the base URL is set as "". Adjust this to your actual server's URL.

    2. Upload Files:

      • Upload the version.txt and filelist.txt, index.php and data.json directly to the root of the designated path on your web server (e.g.,
        This is the hidden content, please
      • Upload the contents of the zips folder to a subdirectory on your web server, named zips (e.g.,
        This is the hidden content, please
    3. Client Application Configuration:

      • The client application should be configured to check for updates from your web server. This is typically done by setting the baseURL in the application to match your web server's URL.

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    Ensure that the web server's directory structure matches the expected paths set in the application code. For example, if your application expects version.txt at

    This is the hidden content, please
    , it should be placed accordingly on the server.

    Auto Updater Builder - Automating package creation with ease and reliability.


  8. This is the hidden content, please

    📢 Greetings , interested in having your Lineage 2 ⚔️🛡️ server announced for advertising dissemination, through different social networks such as:

    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please
    , Tiktok and WhatsApp, we are at your service!  At an affordable price 💸 Contact us and don't forget to follow us thanks 👍







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  9. Τhere are untranslated parts on the website and some wrongly translated, if you see some of them please report them here.


    An ideal report would be like

    Παραθέτω, αναφορά


    I found a typo

    English: This is a typpo

    English: This is a typo



    Παραθέτω, αναφορά


    I found an untranslated part in my language

    English: This is a nice translation

    Polish: This is a nice translation



    - Note: You can also add an image or the url where is this translation located


    Thank you all!

  10. What is PII?

    PII, or personally identifiable information, refers to any data that can be used to identify, contact, or locate an individual member. When users sign up and visit your community, they may provide various types of PII, either voluntarily or as required by the platform's registration process. For example, an email address is required to complete the registration, and in some cases and IP address may be logged to authenticate a session, or to provide some context to the person posting content. 


    You can visit your settings and

    • Request to be forgotten
    • Request your stored data
    • Omit identifying info from 3rd party analytics






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