Diamond Member Pelican Press 0 Posted March 10, 2024 Diamond Member Share Posted March 10, 2024 Sims 4 cheats: all cheat codes for PC, Xbox, PS4, PS5 The Sims 4 was a runaway success when it launched in 2014, and a decade later it’s still going strong. Part of the reason for its continued popularity is that it lets players enjoy the game however they see fit. Whether that means building a sprawling mansion, watching a family grow through the generations, or just messing around with fireworks, there’s no limit to how you can play The Sims 4. That includes using cheat codes, as the game features a massive list of built-in cheats to modify your experience. Here’s a look at all The Sims 4 cheat codes, including how to enable them and enjoy their use on Xbox, PS4, PC, and more. How to enable cheats in The Sims 4  used with permission by copyright holder In The Sims 4, you can’t simply just type in a cheat code and expect it to work. It’s a complicated game in many regards, and using cheats requires a bit of explanation before diving in. For starters, you must enable the ability to use cheats in-game. Depending on your platform, there are slight differences in going about enabling them. On PC, you’ll need to hold Ctrl + Shift + C (Command + Shift + C on Mac) to open up the cheat console. Once here, you’ll need to type in testingcheats on in the cheat console. Doing so will allow you to enter cheats. You’ll need to type them in exactly as written to get them to work. To disable cheats, type in testingcheats off in the same box. To reach the cheat console on PS4 and Xbox One, you’ll need to press all shoulder and trigger buttons simultaneously. On PS4 or Ps5, it’s L1, R1, L2, R2, and on Xbox One or Xbox Series X, it’s LB, RB, LT, RT. After you press them all at the same time, the cheat console will appear and you’ll follow the same steps as above to enable cheats. Type in testingcheats on to gain the ability to type in cheats. Note that enabling cheats on a console will negate the ability to earn most trophies and achievements, so use them wisely. Cheats are used by typing in specific codes into the same cheat console. You’ll receive a notification when you’ve typed in the code correctly, and it’ll tell you which code you’ve enabled. What is the money cheat in Sims 4?  used with permission by copyright holder You can’t go wrong with instantaneously acquiring money in The Sims 4. Fortunately, there are a few different cheat codes you can use to make sure you never run out of cash. Type the following codes in the cheat console to earn instant money: rosebud – 1,000 simoleons kaching – 1,000 simoleons motherlode – 50,000 simoleons Money [amount]: Sets the active household’s funds to the given amount. sims.modify_funds [+/-][amount]: Adds or subtracts the given amount of Simoleons from the active household’s funds. Alternatively, you can type in Money # to instantly gain a specified amount of money. For example, if you want 50 simoleons, you’d type in Money 50 after enabling cheats. Do note that using this method will replace the total amount of money you have, as opposed to adding to it. Build Mode cheats  used with permission by copyright holder Some people focus solely on building the perfect home in The Sims 4, and while the game gives you the tools to do this easily, cheating can make it much more enjoyable. One of the best cheats allows you to literally build anywhere, while other cheats give you the ability to unlock any Career Items instantly. If you’re going to be spending a lot of time building, it’s recommended to take a look at the cheats below: FreeRealEstate On – Build anywhere for free FreeRealEstate Off – Turn off building anywhere for free bb.moveobjects on – Move objects anywhere, regardless of grid placement bb.enablefreebuild – Build anywhere bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement – Unlocks any locked Career Items in Build mode Using all or a combination of some of these will save you money or allow you to build anywhere, giving you much more freedom than normal. Stat cheats  used with permission by copyright holder The Sims 4 features a host of different stats to improve upon, from cooking to acting and fishing. While you can go about increasing these stats the long way, cheating will instantly make you an expert at whichever one you choose. Either way, you’ll want to level these stats to perform them much more effectively and efficiently. To use them, you need to type in the following code: stats.set_skill_level [skilltype] [1-10] For example, if you want to set your Fitness to level 8, you’d type in the following: stats.set_skill_level Major_Fitness 8 Below are the list of stat-related cheats. Type these codes in, as part of the larger code listed above. Major_Fishing Major_Mischief Major_Guitar Major_Reaping Major_Programming Major_Gardening Major_GourmetCooking Major_Comedy Major_Charisma Major_Writing Major_VideoGaming Major_Violin Major_RocketScience Major_Painting Major_Piano Major_Logic Major_Handiness Major_HomestyleCooking Major_Bartending Major_Dj Skill_Fitness Skill_Child_Social Skill_Child_Motor Skill_Child_Creativity Skill_Child_Mental Why take the time to learn piano when you can just type in a cheat code to learn the instrument instantly? Pregnancy cheats  used with permission by copyright holder Who has time to sit through the long length of a pregnancy in The Sims 4? Luckily, there are a few pregnancy cheats that will speed things up tremendously. Type in the following codes in the cheat console to make a Sim pregnant up to a specific trimester: sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester1 – Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in first trimester sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester2 – Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in second trimester sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester3 – Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in third trimester sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlabor – Make Sim or Ghost pregnant at term Relationship cheats  used with permission by copyright holder In The Sims 4, you can do your best to improve your relationship with others by talking with them and getting to know them. But frankly, that gets old fast, so why not use some cheat codes to speed things up? Whether you’re just friends or romantic partners, cheat codes can immediately max out your relationship with another Sim. Or, if you’re a masochist, you can make a Sim absolutely loathe you. Use these cheats to manipulate your relationships with other Sims: relationships.create_friends_for_sim – New Sim is created with 100% Friendship modifyrelationship ‘entire Sim name 1’ ‘entire Sim name 2’ 100 ltr_friendship_main – 100% positive friendship between two specific Sims (you’ll need to enter a Sim’s first and last name in their respective spots in the code) modifyrelationship ‘entire Sim name 1’ ‘entire Sim name 2’ -100 ltr_friendship_main – 100% negative friendship between two specific Sims (you’ll need to enter a Sim’s first and last name in their respective spots in the code) modifyrelationship ‘entire Sim name 1’ ‘entire Sim name 2’ 100 ltr_romance_main – 100% positive romance between two specific Sims (you’ll need to enter a Sim’s first and last name in their respective spots in the code) modifyrelationship ‘entire Sim name 1’ ‘entire Sim name 2’ -100 ltr_romance_main – 100% negative romance between two specific Sims (you’ll need to enter a Sim’s first and last name in their respective spots in the code) Negate (or cause) ****** cheats  used with permission by copyright holder ****** can be hard to avoid in The Sims 4 — that is, unless you use some of the game’s various cheat codes to circumvent it. Or, morbid individuals might want to take advantage of some of the cheats that actually cause ******, though you should use these at your discretion. These are the various ******-related cheats: ******.toggle true – Sims cannot **** ******.toggle false – Sims can **** again sims.add_buff buff_death_electrocution_warning – Sim ***** from freak electrocution accident sims.add_buff buff_mortified – Sim ***** from embarrassment within five hours sims.add_buff buff_motives_hunger_starving – Sim starves to ****** within a day ****** isn’t the end of the world, as your Sim can be brought back to life. Use these ****** cheats for nothing more than an over-the-top laugh. Motive cheats  used with permission by copyright holder Not much is worse in The Sims 4 than when you’re interrupted by having to visit the bathroom, take a shower, or eat. What an annoyance. If these instances tend to get in your way, you’ll be happy to know there is a hefty list of cheats that will make your life easier. Below are the cheats that will negate any of these annoying bodily functions: sims.give_satisfaction_points ‘X’ – Gives Sim satisfaction points; type in the amount for X fillmotive motive_energy – Refill Sim energy fillmotive motive_fun – Refill Sim fun fillmotive motive_hunger – Refill Sim energy fillmotive motive_hygiene – Refill Sim hygiene fillmotive motive_social – Refill Sim social gauge sims.fill_all_commodities – Refills all Sim gauges You can refill motives individually or use the “all commodities” cheat to refill all motives. Career advancement cheats  used with permission by copyright holder Career goals are of paramount importance in The Sims 4, and you’ll spend most of your game time figuring out which is best suited to you. To find a job and build a career, you’ll need to put your Sim to work and earn money. Just like in the real world, your Sim will need to invest time and energy into their career if they are going to succeed. Career choices include teacher, scientist, detective, and more. Unfortunately, getting your Sim through a job can take up a lot of time and include off-the-clock study hours. Fortunately for us, several cheat codes can put your Sim’s career on the fast track. Different career-related cheat codes can accomplish career objectives, add in trades, and more. With the right cheats, you won’t have to put in all the time to complete a job. You can skip straight to retirement. Here are a few of the career-related cheat codes: aspirations.complete_current_milestone – Immediately complete a current goal careers.add_career ‘x’ – Add career (‘X’ is the career you choose) careers.promote ‘x’ – Promote your Sim careers.retire ‘X’ – Give your Sim early retirement Of course, you could let your Sim work every day until retirement. But in Sim world, you don’t have to, and it’s a little bit mean to make them. Cheat codes can fast-track your Sim to the good life. Editors’ Recommendations This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Gaming,cheat codes,Gaming,The Sims,the sims 4,Video Games,Cheating in video games,Leisure,PlayStation 4,Pregnancy,The Sims 4,Video games,Video gaming #Sims #cheats #cheat #codes #Xbox #PS4 #PS5 This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Link to comment https://hopzone.eu/forums/topic/1045-sims-4-cheats-all-cheat-codes-for-pc-xbox-ps4-ps5/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
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