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  • L2LIVE

       (0 reviews)

    Server Votes: 62
    Server Votes all time: 185

    General Information

    Server Added
    06:37 - 09 Aug, 2024
    Server Type
    Server Platform

    Server NPC's

    GM Shop
    Global GK
    RaidBoss Status
    Quest Item Shop
    PC Bang Shop
    Dye Shop
    Boss Shop

    Server Customs

    Champion Mod

    Server Configuration

    Autolearn Skills
    Official Siege
    Official Olympiad
    Automatic Events
    Auto Pickup
    Community Board

    Server details


     Server Description:

    • EXP/SP: Dynamic (x1- x100 based on your level, before Sayha and EXP buffs
    • Adena: x50 / Item Drop: x10 / Fishing EXP increased / Attribute EXP increased
    • Simplified gameplay to stay in the loop while not spending hours and hours farming
    • Starter Pack containing very useful items for beginners
    • MP replenishing potions with auto-consumption
    • No overpowered donations
     L2LIVE Shop:
    • All spellbook coupons, pet spellbook coupons and master books are sold via Game Assistant
    • Additionally you can buy SP pouches, enchanted talismans, pet training guides and various other consumables for Adena and L-Coin
    • More items such as cloaks, more talismans, agathions, belts, pendants, enchantment scrolls of various grades, evolution stones, etc will be added! Shop server as a shortcut, and all retail-like ways of earning items are still here!
    • Drops with small change and in random amounts from Lv60+ monsters
    • All raidbosses drop random amount of L-Coin Pouches generating up to 420 Lcoin per unit.
     Grand Olympiad and Events
    • Grand Olympiad is held week day
    • Format is 1v1, unlimited weekly fights
    • Heroes are declared weekly at Sunday
    • There are three automated events - TvT, CTF and Deathmatch, running at evenings
    • Orc Fortress, Battle with Balok, Keber Hunter, Archievements Box, Daily Gift Calendar provisional events are active too
     Custom user commands:
    • .offlineplay command, your character will keep playing till death or server restart
    • .offlineshop command, keeps your shop sitting until all items are purchased
    • .apon / .apoff - enable/disable HP/MP autoconsume




    Week Online Percent
    7 Days ago 100
    6 Days ago 100
    5 Days ago 100
    4 Days ago 100
    3 Days ago 98.6
    2 Days ago 100
    Yesterday 98.9
    Today 100

    Week Min ms Avg ms Max ms
    7 Days ago 0.03 0.03 0.03
    6 Days ago 0.03 0.03 0.03
    5 Days ago 0.03 0.03 0.03
    4 Days ago 0.03 0.03 0.03
    3 Days ago 0.03 0.2 10.01
    2 Days ago 0.03 0.03 0.03
    Yesterday 0.03 0.14 10.01
    Today 0.03 0.03 0.04

    Week Online Percent
    7 Days ago 100
    6 Days ago 99.58
    5 Days ago 100
    4 Days ago 100
    3 Days ago 100
    2 Days ago 100
    Yesterday 100
    Today 100

    Week Min ms Avg ms Max ms
    7 Days ago 0.19 0.31 0.49
    6 Days ago 0 0.31 0.57
    5 Days ago 0.18 0.3 0.55
    4 Days ago 0.18 0.32 0.54
    3 Days ago 0.19 0.31 0.54
    2 Days ago 0.18 0.31 0.6
    Yesterday 0.18 0.31 0.72
    Today 0.18 0.3 0.46


    User Feedback

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