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    Server Banners

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  • L2 Draconic

       (0 reviews)

    Server Votes: 14
    Server Votes all time: 17

    General Information

    Owner Sinti Sinti

    Server Added
    04:30 - 26 Aug, 2024
    Server Type
    Server Platform

    Server NPC's

    GM Shop
    Global GK
    RaidBoss Status
    Quest Item Shop
    PC Bang Shop
    Dye Shop
    Boss Shop

    Server Customs

    Champion Mod

    Server Configuration

    Autolearn Skills
    Official Siege
    Official Olympiad
    Automatic Events
    Auto Pickup
    Community Board

    Server details

    High Five Multi-Skill x3

    • xp.png Rates XP x3 / SP x1
    • adena.png Adena: x1
    • drop2.png Drop: x3
    • spoil.png Spoil: x3
    • rb.png Raid Boss: x3
    • ke.png Knight's Epaulette: x7
    • quest_d.png Quest Drop: x1
    • quest_r.png Quest Reward: x3
    • cr.png Clan Reputation: x3
    • Increased drop of key resources for crafting


    • fAttackSpeed.png MaxPhysAtkSpeed - 8000
    • mAttackSpeed.png MaxMagAtkSpeed - 12000
    • fCritCh.png MaxPhysCritChange - 60%
    • magCrit.png MaxMagCritChange - 70%
    • fizCrit.png PhysCritDamage - ∞
    • accuracy.png Accuracy - 250
    • evasion.png Evasion - 350
    • move.png Move - 700

    Autofarm, Offline buffer, New Life Stone, New farming locations

    Player Evolution stat modification system / Rebirth / Upgrade of weapons, armor, jewelry starting from S grade

    9 levels of item upgrade

    Items of grade S and higher have been removed from the drop, only craft

    Maximum item enchant +60

    Week Online Percent
    7 Days ago 29.28
    6 Days ago 28.88
    5 Days ago 29.22
    4 Days ago 30.58
    3 Days ago 43.62
    2 Days ago 56.15
    Yesterday 63.93
    Today 48.48

    Week Min ms Avg ms Max ms
    7 Days ago 0 0.06 10.01
    6 Days ago 0 0 0.02
    5 Days ago 0 0.04 10.01
    4 Days ago 0 0 0.02
    3 Days ago 0 0 0.03
    2 Days ago 0 0.01 0.02
    Yesterday 0 0.01 0.18
    Today 0 0.31 10.01

    Week Online Percent
    7 Days ago 100
    6 Days ago 100
    5 Days ago 100
    4 Days ago 100
    3 Days ago 99.59
    2 Days ago 100
    Yesterday 100
    Today 100

    Week Min ms Avg ms Max ms
    7 Days ago 0.2 0.29 0.74
    6 Days ago 0.2 0.28 0.44
    5 Days ago 0.2 0.34 3.6
    4 Days ago 0.19 0.29 1.54
    3 Days ago 0 0.38 0.98
    2 Days ago 0.21 0.4 1.94
    Yesterday 0.23 0.38 1.93
    Today 0.25 0.64 1.77


    User Feedback

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